Silver Maple Branch - Fine Art Letterpress Print

Silver Maple Branch - Fine Art Letterpress Print

from $45.00

Named for the silvery underside of their leaves, the Silver Maple is a large deciduous tree native to eastern North America. Its extensive root systems help to stabilize soil and draw water from lower layers up toward the surface, which benefits nearby plants.

The flora & fauna series features the multitude of natural wonders in the Midwest. Each print features one hand-carved block and two layers of abstract color fields created using type-high wood blocks. All three layers are letterpress printed.

Available framed or unframed - frames are solid wood and made in the USA.

14" Across, 11" High
Letterpress printed in a limited edition of 300, 2024.
Printed on a Vandercook proofing press in beautiful Hyde Park, Chicago, IL

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